Dear Friend,
This is Joe Rieck, VP of Communications from My Patriot Supply.
It's not every day that I write such a personal message to our subscribers, but I felt compelled to share my open and honest thoughts about what's going on around the world today.
See, I've been with My Patriot Supply for several years now, and in that time, we've never fear mongered…
We've also never weighed in on politics, social issues, or current events, either.
And yes, while we're fully aware of our audience's political leanings—considering you most likely first heard about us from Glenn Beck, Dan Bongino, or on the Fox News Channel—we've always refrained from being overtly political or opinionated.
Not because we don't have a stake in the political environment, but because we believe that during times of crisis, Americans across the political spectrum tend to unite.
During times of war, for example, Americans have always united against common enemies, like the Soviet Union or the evil axis powers of World War II.
In this post-9/11 era, we've seen tremendous unity in the fight against radical Islamic terrorism… or at least we did in the immediate aftermath of the attacks.
So, in the face of adversity—in the kinds of emergencies that My Patriot Supply prepares you for—politics tend to take a backseat.
When an emergency happens, we share storm shelters, make meals for each other, lend out space heaters and air conditioners, jump our neighbors' cars—whatever it takes.
Some things are just bigger than politics.
Which leads to why I'm writing to you:
I believe we're living in unprecedented times—with a world on the brink of war and a society crumbling from within.
That means My Patriot Supply has a duty to prepare as many Americans as possible right now, regardless of their politics.
That includes Republicans, Democrats, and everyone in between.
Call it speculative, but I'm deeply concerned about our country's future. We can all tell that something big is brewing.
That being said, I also see a glimmer of hope.
Because I have no doubt that you wouldn't hesitate to help neighbors in need, regardless of who they're voting for this election.
That's the way I see it, too.
So, I have one request for you: Start preparing right now with a 3-Month Emergency Food Kit.
Like I said, this is not something we normally do at My Patriot Supply. We don't write personal letters asking you directly to buy our products.
But these are not normal times.
If disaster strikes, you might need every one of the over 2,000 calories per day that our 3-Month Emergency Food Kit provides.
And even if you already have an emergency food supply on hand, consider stocking up on more for what lies ahead… or better yet, order an emergency food kit for a family member, friend, or neighbor.
You can find out more about the 3-Month Emergency Food Kit at this link here:
That's all I've got for now.
Feel free to reply to this email with your thoughts about where our country's headed. I'd love to hear from you.
God Bless,
Joe Rieck
VP of Communications at My Patriot Supply